
Yes, the site really is in need of major overhaul.

Please bear with us...


Meanwhile, please take a look at the picture directory


01/02/2008: New Year's Resolution: I will not deal with any Ebay Power-sellers anymore!


12/19/2007: The menus (automatically generated on most of the pages) are seriously kerfuffled. I have a lot of work to do on this place. :(

It looks like all of the VBPJ archives are now history. I have a few of my articles saved, which I'll try to post as time allows. For now, I have the POP3 article and the Delphi Tutor column (a write-up about the application I wrote for Que back in 1996). Find them here: Blasts From The Past



ClubVB™, Michi Kogaku™ and Focal Yokels™ are trademarks of Susan Schwarz! 

(Technical variants such as "MichiKogaku" and "Focal-Yokels" are to be considered identical to the grammatical representations portrayed above.)


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Ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place, so this must be the place!

(Actual sign seen in a rural lunch counter somewhere between Virginia and Georgia in 1967, when the beat up old school bus broke down for a week and we stayed in their parking lot waiting for parts to come in. But that's a story for another day...)

So for now, let's just say that You Are Here!




I am selling off the Killtrees.com domain. For those of you who were around in the heyday of the NANAE newsgroup (lo those many years ago), you remember the history of this profound invention <g>. For anyone else, it's just a great, unique, cool domain name -- now available for your website -- in a day and age where "all the good names are taken".

Click on its link above to see my tiny blurb. Thanks!


Calling spam “free speech” is like calling rape “unsolicited love.”




Site contents Copyright © 2003-2007 Ron Schwarz

ClubVB™, Michi Kogaku™ and Focal Yokels™ are trademarks of Susan Schwarz. (Technical variants such as "MichiKogaku" and "Focal-Yokels" are to be considered identical to the grammatical representations portrayed above.)


Menus Copyright 2002 (c) Milonic Solutions Ltd.