Yes, the site really is in
need of major overhaul.
Please bear with us...
Meanwhile, please take a look at
the picture
01/02/2008: New Year's Resolution:
I will not deal with any Ebay Power-sellers anymore!
12/19/2007: The menus (automatically generated on most of the pages) are
seriously kerfuffled. I have a lot of work to do on this place. :(
It looks like all of the VBPJ archives are now
history. I have a few of my articles saved, which I'll try to post as
time allows. For now, I have the POP3 article and the Delphi Tutor
column (a write-up about the application I wrote for Que back in
1996). Find them here: Blasts From The Past
Kogaku™ and Focal Yokels™ are trademarks of Susan Schwarz!
variants such as "MichiKogaku" and
"Focal-Yokels" are to be considered identical to the
grammatical representations portrayed above.)
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